Sunday, March 29, 2020

Home Learning Week Beginning 30th March

Well done to all of the children who have completed some of their home learning tasks! I hope you are all keeping well, and staying safe. Here’s more tasks to focus on this week.

Can you remember the phase 2 tricky words we have learned? Read them and then write these words into a sentence.

Please continue to play the range of phase 2/3 games on the Phonics Play site. Click on the following link:

Login using the following details:
Username: march20
Password: home

Please remember to keep visiting the Oxford Owl site it has many books to ensure you can read a book a day and/or listen to a book.
Free online ebooks for your child to read and share featuring familiar character

Counting to 20 Activity - Can you do 20 jumps, hops, star jumps before you get too tired? Count carful then write the number down. You could work with a family member and get them to do this too. What other movements could you do?

Challenge - can you order the numbers you have written down?

Please also take a look at the counting games on this free website - We use this site at school lots so you may recognise some of the games. 

Please continue to follow the link for the Early Years White Rose Maths home learning if you haven’t already.

Can you draw a picture of your family and label it with their names and you could also write a sentence about them. 
‘My Mum has....’
‘My ..... is ..... ‘

Take part in the Joe Wicks live workout for kids on YouTube.

Have fun this week and enjoy whatever you may be doing.


  1. Aisha Ahmed is learning phase 3 and 4.
    She can read phase 4 and is still doing
    great with her maths.

    1. That’s great to hear. We will look at phase 3 and 4 soon but it’s still great to recap phase 2 using these words in sentences to improve our writing.Thank you for your message
