Monday, June 29, 2020

Home Learning 29th June

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to those who have sent me pictures of their work. It's really nice to see how well you are doing at home. I haven't received work from everyone yet, so please don't forget to send photos of your work to the class email address -

Here is your daily learning for the week.

Please continue to watch and join in with the Letters and Sounds teaching videos.

FREE! - Phase 2 Sound Mat (teacher made)  
                            Phonics | Pool House Community Primary School

Monday: Lesson 22 - Multi-syllable words - 

Wednesday: Lesson 24 - Compound and multi-syllable words - 

This week your learning will focus on the story, 'Beegu'.

Beegu: Deacon, Alexis: Books

Login using the following details:
Username: march20
Password: home

Top Marks - Please recap letters and sounds -

Reading site - Get Epic!  
Head to the students page and enter our class code to find your name pjv3094      

                                                     Student Log In | Discover Children's Books, Audiobooks, Videos & More
EXTRA:You can also continue to access the free books at Oxford Owl -

Storytime with Nick; films of well-loved stories read by Nick Cannon, a trained actor and teacher and a wonderful storyteller -


The focus this week is 'Measures'.

Don’t forget to log on to your Mathletics and complete the tasks set for you -

3P Learning | Provider and developer of exceptional education software


The importance of sleep lesson - Why is sleep important?

Sleeping is Important - Pepee Cartoon Series | Kids Shows - Kids ...

Continue with Joe Wicks exercise videos - 

I hope you enjoy your learning this week.

Please comment and let me know how you get on with the new lessons i have set you.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Carter

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Home Learning w/b 22nd June

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to those who have sent me pictures of their work. It's really nice to see how well you are doing at home. I haven't received work from everyone yet, so please don't forget to send photos of your work to the class email address -

Here is your daily learning for the week.

Please continue to watch and join in with the Letters and Sounds teaching videos.

FREE! - Phase 2 Sound Mat (teacher made)  
                            Phonics | Pool House Community Primary School

Monday: Lesson 24 - Blending with ' th ' - 

Tuesday: Lesson 25 - Reviewing 'qu, sh, ng, ch and th' -

Wednesday: Lesson 19 - Review ' ow, oi, ear' - 

Thursday: Lesson 20 - Blending with 'air, ure, er' -  

Friday: Lesson 21 - New words  -

This week your learning will focus on the story, ‘The Crocodile who doesn’t like water’.

 Monday: To learn the features of reptiles - 

Tuesday: To justify answers using ‘because’ -

Wednesday: To commit a story to memory- 

Thursday: To describe the features of reptiles - 

Friday: To recall and write facts - 

Login using the following details:
Username: march20
Password: home

Top Marks - Please take a look at the punctuation section 

Reading site - Get Epic!  
Head to the students page and enter our class code to find your name pjv3094      

                                                     Student Log In | Discover Children's Books, Audiobooks, Videos & More
EXTRA:You can also continue to access the free books at Oxford Owl -

Storytime with Nick; films of well-loved stories read by Nick Cannon, a trained actor and teacher and a wonderful storyteller -
Please also continue to use Top Marks for Maths learning, Continue this week to focus on 'Shape, Position and Movement'. - We use this site at school lots so you may recognise some of the games. 

Don’t forget to log on to your Mathletics and complete the tasks set for you -

3P Learning | Provider and developer of exceptional education software

Sparkle Germs - FamilyEducation

Continue with Joe Wicks exercise videos - 

GoNoodle! -Movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts -

I hope you enjoy your learning this week.

Please comment and let me know how you get on with the new lessons i have set you.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Carter 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Home Learning w/b 15th June

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to those who have sent me pictures of their work. It's really nice to see how well you are doing at home. I haven't received work from everyone yet, so please don't forget to send photos of your work to the class email address

Here is your daily learning for the week.

Please continue to watch and join in with the Letters and Sounds teaching videos.

FREE! - Phase 2 Sound Mat (teacher made)
  Phonics | Pool House Community Primary School

Monday: Lesson 19 - Blending with 'ff' -

Tuesday: Lesson 20 - Blending with 'qu' -

Wednesday: Lesson 21 - Blending with 'sh' -

Thursday: Lesson 22 - Blending with 'ng' -

Friday: Lesson 23 - Blending with  'ch'  -

This week your learning will focus on 'Inventions'. We will learn what engineers do. We will think of the things we use that have been engineered.

Kids future engineers — Stock Photo © zorandim #89002656
Login using the following details:
Username: march20
Password: home

Top Marks - Please take a look at the stories on this site. 

Reading site - Get Epic!  
Head to the students page and enter our class code to find your name pjv3094      

                                                     Student Log In | Discover Children's Books, Audiobooks, Videos & More
EXTRA:You can also continue to access the free books at Oxford Owl -

Or, watch Storytime with Nick; films of well-loved stories read by Nick Cannon, a trained actor and teacher and a wonderful storyteller -
The focus this week is '

Addition and Subtraction

Monday -  Find the total of two quantities

Tuesday - Exploring addition by adding on

Wednesday - Subtraction by partitioning

Thursday - Exploring subtraction as take away

Friday - Comparing two sets, more and fewer

Please also continue to use Top Marks for Maths learning, Continue this week to focus on 'Shape, Position and Movement'. - We use this site at school lots so you may recognise some of the games. 

Don’t forget to log on to your Mathletics and complete the tasks set for you -

3P Learning | Provider and developer of exceptional education software

'We're part of the same pond' - Social distancing  - 

kids children social distance coronavirus - The New York Times

Lets go back and take a look at Joe Wicks exercise videos -  
GoNoodle! -  Movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.
Cosmic Kids -

I hope you enjoy your learning this week.

Please comment and let me know how you get on with the new lessons i have set you.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Carter 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Empathy Day 9th June


We are taking part in Empathy Day to help everyone understand and experience the power of empathy through books. There are three parts to empathy: feeling the way others feel; thinking and working out how people are feeling; acting on this. Scientists say that we can train our brain with stories, as the more we empathise with characters, the more we can understand other people's feelings. On the 9th June there are events happening throughout the day here: 

This week choose at least one of the following activities:

Listen to the story The Rabbit Listened

                                                   The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld — Open Letters Review

Listen to the story Super Duper You and earn how to draw one of the characters

                                                       Super Duper You: Henn, Sophy, Henn, Sophy ...